
I'm gonna start by apologizing for not posting yesterday... waa waa waa cry about it.
Yesterday was quite fun for me, and I will tell you why. It started with a rough start. I could not get out of bed for Hebrew class, so I emailed my professor. I had an IT exam that day, which I was stressing about a bit. Thankfully, I managed to make it out of bed to go to lunch. When I tell you it was cold, I mean it. It was raining decently hard with a 32-degree wind chill. Not fun. When I arrived back to the dorm, my intent was to study right before the IT exam, so I whipped up ol' trusty ChatGPT and prayed he would give me some good study questions, but he just asked me, "Which port is HTTP usually hosted on?" Well... obviously 8080 (I'm kidding).
Studying was quite annoying, so I played with the Play-Doh on my desk that I won in writing class. I pretended to be making drugs with the Play-Doh, which never gets old as a man. Arriving at the IT class was difficult and wet because of the rain, but I still managed to do it without too much complaining. Honestly, the test was pretty annoying. The professor put a ton of niche references in the lectures, and nothing was simply common sense. The coding aspect of the exam was easy because it's Python. After a boring and tedious 35 minutes, I defeated the exam with complete ease (definitely not lying) and made my way back home with my ego slowly deflating.
I did not have much time when I got back to the dorm, so I rested a bit and walked over to dinner in the freezing rain. For some reason, my University transformed a part of the dining hall into a massive Thanksgiving feast with mocktails, turkey, sweet treats, and more!!! I was so excited, excited enough not to grab anything from the new "Thanksgiving section." Pizza and extremely cheap Alfredo pasta was the move for tonight. Slouching back while chowing down on my soggy pizza was the only joy at that moment. Possibly scrolling on Twitter made it a bit better, but I can never tell with that damn app. My next class was Pre-Calculus, and the memory of my professor not being there that day randomly spawned in my head when I reached the academic building after my glorious dinner. I was hoping a sub would be there, which completely contradicts my high school mindset, but I went out of my way to get to class in the ice-cold rain, someone had to be there.
With the grace of Allah, the best substitute was there, but not many people joined me for the lecture. And the people that were there did not join me mentally. Not much could have been said about Math class other than the teacher making a joke, and nobody laughed with him. This caused me to laugh at him, I am sorry, it's a habit. The true confusion happened when I got back home and was on my computer. My girlfriend, who we have been arguing and had some awkwardness for the past few days asks to play.
Obviously I accept because I had nothing to do and would love to see what she is up to. We played a few matches of 2v8 Dead By Daylight. She then asked if she wants me to call with her while she drives to the store to make a Bundt cake, which supposedly is something I HAVE to try? Why am I confused you may ask, well... it's because relationships are confusing and some days you will have a very kind girlfriend and other days she will be out for your throat. Maybe I am just autistic.